President’s Message 2018

Dear Okinawa Kenjin Club Members,


A Happy New Year!  This year is the Year of The Dog!  I am wishing you all much happiness and good health this year!
How did your 2017 go?  Our Kenjin Club had a great year, as always.  The biggest event we celebrated was the 10th anniversary for our Taiko Group.  It is an example of how our club has been supported by so many amazing members!  I am very grateful and cannot thank enough for all of you!

You may not be aware that there are about 450,000 Uchinanchu (Okinawan) living outside Okinawa, and that there are 93 Okinawa Kenjin Clubs all over the world.  To improve the connection between each of Okinawan Clubs and Okinawa, the Okinawan Governor designated October 30th as “Uchinanchu Day.”  I would like for our kenjin club to participate in this networking opportunity to connect with other kenjin Clubs and Okinawa (we are working on the details of how this will be done accomplished)!

This 2018th year will be a very exciting year for OKK! Our Taiko Group will be participating at the “World Eisa Festival” in Okinawa between November 3rd and 4th this year!  We are so looking forward to the Festival!  Let’s show our big support to the Taiko Group and wish for their best performance!

The annual “OKK New Year’s” event is coming up on March 24(Sat).  It will be held at Blaine Memorial United Methodist Church.  I am looking forward to seeing you there!

Have wonderful 2018!

Tomo Uehara, President Okinawa Kenjin Club of WA


はいさい!ちゃーがんじゅー やみせーみ?
新年明けましておめでとうございます。今年は 戌年(いぬどし)です。皆様にとって素敵な一 年になりますように願っております。
旧年は皆様にとってどのような御年でしたで しょうか。我々県人会にとっては太鼓グループ の10周年記念を盛大に祝った節目の年でもあ りました。これまで会員の皆様が県人会を支え て来られた証しだと思います。皆様の温かいサ ポートに心より感謝しております。

さて、海外には約45万人のウチナーンチュが 住んでおり、93会の県人会があります。その 世界の県人会と沖縄のネットワークを強化する ために、毎年10月30日は「ウチナーンチュ の日」と決定されました。我々も世界のウチ ナーンチュネットワークに参加していきたいと 思います。

今年は太鼓グループが11月3日と4日に行わ れる世界エイサー大会に参加する事が決定して おります。是非県人会全体で応援していきま しょう!
3月24日(土)は毎年恒例の新年会が行われ ます。今年は場所が変更しておりますので、お 間違いのないようご確認ください。では多くの 皆様に新年会でお会いできるのを楽しみにして おります!



2017 August Newsletter – President’s message

Dear Okinawa Kenjin Club Members,


I cannot believe we are already in the 2nd half of 2017. This summer has been pretty dry and warm and I hope you are enjoying this beau-tiful summer!

In the first half of this year, we had our annual New Year’s Party on March 11th and over 400 people attended and enjoyed the wonder-ful performances. What an amazing event we had and it was always great to end with Kachashii! Also I want to point out that there were many volunteers who contributed their time to run this great event! Without your support, we could not be as successful! Thank you very much!
Also we had Ryukyu Charm Night at APCC on April 30th and many of our members attended! Utako Ishikawa-sensei, Minori Nago-sensei and their students came all the way from Okinawa as guest perform-ers and it was amazing to see how they could collaborate with our young performers! Some members had tears in their eyes probably thinking back home or overwhelmed by the amazing performers. I was so moved. This is why we do this for our members.

Our Kenjin Club is continuing to grow each year. We want to make sure we will have the right environment for our 2nd and 3rd genera-tions to continue enjoying learning the Okinawan tradition. It can be challenging to attract younger generations but I know if we can put our ideas together, we can create a wonderful place for all of us! For example, we can organize a cooking class where older generations can teach younger how to cook traditional Okinawan Food, or teach-ing Okinawan dialect (Uchina guchi), etc…

I am still learning about this organization and I really appreciate all of your big support. I cannot thank you enough. This is everyone’s organization and your ideas are very important for us to grow! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me and share your ideas!
We still have events to enjoy the rest of this year. I look forward to seeing you soon!


Tomo Uehara, President
Okinawa Kenjin Club of WA


ハイサイ! ちゃーがんじゅー やみせーみ?





